University of Zaragoza

University Colleges and Facilities
(Zaragoza, Spain)

The University of Zaragoza is comprised of 10 faculties, each offering dynamic courses to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Faculty of Sciences

The Facultad de Ciencias (Faculty of Sciences) organizes effective lessons and programmes to help students obtain their professional titles in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geology, and Statistics.

Faculty of Sciences of the Health and of the Sport

The Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y del Deporte offers excellent degree programmes and studies in Human and Dietetic Nutrition, Science of the Physical Activities, and Medicine. It collaborates with the rectoral units of the university and other institutions in the city.

Faculty of economics and Business

The Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales has five departments offering outstanding degree programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Faculty of Human Sciences and of the Education of Huesca

The Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y de la Educación de Huesca offers degree programmes in the humanities and other related courses; licensure programmes in the humanities; and a masters diploma in physical education, child education, and primary education.

Faculty of Human and Social Sciences

The Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas aims to make its students work effectively in independent or industrial settings, to be of service to public or private companies and fit in a specialized or multidiscipline profession.

Faculty of Right

The Facultad de Derecho has four departments offering outstanding degree programmes for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Faculty of Education

The Facultad de Educación (Faculty of Education) was founded by the Government of Aragón, making the Teaching Department of E.G.B. in Zaragoza the Faculty of Education of the University of Zaragoza. It offers diploma, licensure and master degrees in education.

Faculty of Philosophy and Letters

The Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Faculty of Philosophy and Letters) offers various degree programmes in philosophy and arts. Its lessons are developed around the Roman system of the Trivium (Grammatical, Rhetorical and Dialectic) and Quadrivium (Arithmetical, Geometry, Music and Astronomy). The faculty also offers theological and philosophical studies.

Faculty of Medicine

The Facultad de Medicina (Faculty of Medicine) has seven departments offering outstanding degree programmes in health and medicine for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Faculty of Veterinary

The Facultad de Veterinaria (Faculty of Veterinary) of the University of Zaragoza is part of the Subordinate School of Veterinary Medicine created by a Real Decree on August 19, 1847. It is one of the three institutions offering veterinary education in Spain.

Zaragoza University

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